Sponsor the 2024 Cal-IPC Symposium

2024 Cal-IPC Symposium Sponsor
10/23/2024 08:00 AM - 10/25/2024 06:00 PM PT


  • $10,000.00  -  1. Platinum ($10,000)
  • $5,000.00  -  2. Gold ($5,000)
  • $2,500.00  -  3. Silver ($2,500)
  • $1,000.00  -  4. Bronze ($1,000)
  • $1,000.00  -  5. Grassroots Gold ($1,000)
  • $500.00  -  6. Grassroots Silver ($500)
  • $250.00  -  7. Grassroots Bronze ($250)



Using this Form

Thank you for your support as a Sponsor! Please use this form to register your organization. (Do NOT click the button at upper right to register as an individual.) 

If you know your attendees, that information can be added on page two of this form. You can also register your organization now and add attendee information later. Please contact symposium@cal-ipc.org with any questions.  

Ticket Options

Ticket Price Quantity
1. Platinum ($10,000)
FMV $2,720, Up to 16 indiv. attendees and one year membership for 8 indiv.
2. Gold ($5,000)
FMV $1,460, Up to 8 indiv. attendees and one year membership for 6 indiv.
3. Silver ($2,500)
FMV $780, Up to 4 indiv. attendees and one year membership for 4 indiv.
4. Bronze ($1,000)
FMV $440, Up to 2 indiv. attendees and one year membership for 3 indiv.
5. Grassroots Gold ($1,000)
(CNPS chapters, WMAs, RCDs, & nonprofit partners with budget less than $500k) FMV $730, Up to 4 indiv. attendees and one year membership for 3 indiv.
6. Grassroots Silver ($500)
(CNPS chapters, WMAs, RCDs, & nonprofit partners with budget less than $500k) FMV $440, Up to 2 indiv. attendees and one year membership for 3 indiv.
7. Grassroots Bronze ($250)
(CNPS chapters, WMAs, RCDs, & nonprofit partners with budget less than $500k) FMV $295, 1 indiv. attendee via online platform, and one year membership for 3 indiv.

Sponsor information for program:

Waiver Statement:

By checking the box below, I agree to the following statements:

I understand that the views of Symposium speakers and attendees are their own and do not represent the position of Cal-IPC. I do not hold Cal-IPC liable for content heard or seen in Symposium sessions.

I also agree to abide by the Cal-IPC Symposium and Event Code of Conduct, which states, in essence, that I will behave in a manner that helps create an environment that is welcoming, collaborative, and productive for all attendees. Failure to abide by this Code of Conduct will result in expulsion from the Symposium with no refund on registration or associated fees. Click here to read the full Code of Conduct text

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